A Blog about a clever boy and a mom determined to out-smart him.

Tuesday, April 26, 2011

Highlights from Today

Yesterday my son brought me a bucket of worms.  His dad had helped dig them up and JAC really wanted me to see.  He also wanted to bring them into the house to live.  Try explaining to a two year old why worms can't live in the house.

Today was one of those days when I loved being a mom.  We spent hours digging in the park sand box.  Even Roxy got in on the action.  She dug herself a hole and plopped down, enjoying the cool wet dirt.  On the way home JAC wanted to "ride like a pig."  I put him on my back and carried the little piglet home.  Lately I'll tell JAC "tight" and he'll squeeze me as tight as he can.  Some days he looks at me and says, "tight mom!"  and I squeeze him back.

We are heading to Miami  tomorrow afternoon.  I can't wait to see my brother and Lady.  I think the timing will be perfect.  The Miami weather should be lovely and we'll be there for my brother's birthday.  We will also be there during the hockey play offs.  Hockey is the only sport Jess and I don't share a mutual interest in.  I'll watch a football or baseball game but hockey just seems plain boring!  In my absence Jess can enjoy hours of hockey.

Monday, April 25, 2011


My mom once told me, "Tanned fat looks better than white fat.  If you can't lose the weight just work on your tan."  My mom is so smart!  The weather is lovely today and I'll  be working on my tan.

Yesterday was Easter.  I had big plans to think deep thoughts about Jesus during church.  Right before the first prayer I was trying to focus.  I wanted to remember the meaning of Easter.  I closed my eyes deep in thought and at that very moment my son seized the opportunity and gave me a double fisted groping.  It was completely unexpected and absolutely shocking.  After being groped I couldn't think about Jesus.  JAC topped the groping off with a mad scramble under the pew and an escape attempt.  I had had enough!  I didn't care if it was Easter.  That boy was getting a spanking!

I dragged him out by an elbow and a ankle.  In the lobby I bent down to give him a swat but in my haste I pulled my right quad muscle.  It hurt so much!  JAC received a quick swat followed by a series of threats and we all finished Easter service sitting quietly in a pew.

I miss my family ever day but especially on the holidays.  We live too far away to celebrate with family and that isn't going to change any time soon.  Luckily we have enjoyed many holidays with sweet friends and also created some of our own family traditions.  I enjoy celebrating holidays with friends for several reasons but at the top of the list might be the food.  Everyone chips in and the holiday becomes a potluck.  I love trying all of the different dishes. 

Did you enjoy the holiday with friends or family?  Have you created any family traditions of your own?

Thursday, April 21, 2011

Why Little Boys Need Dads

Last week JAC made an escape under the pew and tried to make a dash up front during church.  This stunt paired with several other bad behaviors earned him a trip to the lobby.  Jess dragged him out and I didn't ask questions.  Typically JAC receives a spanking in the lobby and after a quick lecture Jess hauls him back in and deposits him on the pew.  This Sunday they were gone a really long time.  When they finally returned I inquired where they had been.  Jess replied, "JAC wanted use the potty.  I showed him how to use the urinal and he like it so much he went four more times."  This is why little boys need dads or at least a good man in their lives.  I can not use a urinal and I know I can't be excited about teaching JAC how to use it.  Jess on the other hand was thrilled about it.

Every morning when Jess shaves JAC runs into the bathroom and stands on the toilet.  Jess puts a blob of shaving cream on each of JAC's cheeks.  After Jess finishes shaving his own face he use the back side of the razor and pretends shave JAC.  JAC lifts his little chin mimicking the angle of Jess' face.  When the job is complete they both look at each other and say, "Smooooth."  This is one reason I love having one great dad and one curious little boy in our house.  Life is an adventure every day.  Happy Thursday!

Tuesday, April 19, 2011

All Things Ordinary and Mundane

Yesterday marked the beginning of Passover.  For some reason Passover has been on my mind for almost a month.  While most Christians don't celebrate passover it commemorates one of the most significant events of the Old Testament and is symbolically replicated throughout the Bible. I have also thought a good bit about how the most sacred Holidays consistently have special foods tied to the celebration.  Food should simply provide nourishment but consistently provides more - acting as a catalyst for fellowship and remembrance.

On a lighter note, I am running the snack room at Vacation Bible School this week.  You can call me "Snack Natzi."  I make the kids try a healthy snack before I give in and hand out the cupcakes.  I am not eating any cupcakes because I am on a crash diet.  I'm taking JAC to South Beach (Miami) next week and refuse the be the pudgy girl on the beach.  I don't want anyone accidentally calling in a beached whale sighting. I am so ready for South Beach! 

I've been running early in the morning lately.  I love the quiet solitude that belongs to the early hours.  Every day I have seen some unexpected creature along the trail in the gray morning light.  Today a bunny followed me, hopping in parallel.

Congratulations to my brother Quinn!  On Sunday he finished his first marathon in a very impressive three hours and thirty minutes!  I can't wait to see him in Miami and congratulate him in person.

Is your week ordinary or a bit more impressive?  I would love to hear what you are thinking.

Saturday, April 16, 2011

All Things Sacred

It is nine in the morning and my husband is snoozing.  I have no idea what JAC is doing because my wonderful friends are keeping him for the weekend.  I really want to wake my husband up but after you have children you never get to sleep in.  A slow, sleepy Saturday morning is sacred. 

Yesterday I spent most of the day outside with JAC.  The weather was lovely.  JAC and I played baseball with a stick and squishy ball.  We tracked down ants and I tried to teach him how to log roll down a hill.  Today it is pouring down rain.  I'm a bit dissappointed because we wanted to hike but we're creating a rain plan.

Jess and I planned out the whole weekend over Indian food.  We used this golden rule:  If we can do it with a baby we're not doing it on our weekend off.  For instance, JAC doesn't like Indian food.  JAC doesn't like independent films and has a short fuse for Art Galleries. 

Tomorrow the sun will be out and we're going kayaking and maybe hiking too.  What are your weekend plans? 

Wednesday, April 13, 2011

Decision Making Matrix

My kid drove me absolutely bonkers yesterday.  Every time I turned around he was jumping on my back or hugging my legs and rubbing his face on my butt.  If I sat on the couch he crawled all over me and wallowed in my lap.  I seriously needed some personal space!  I tossed him in his room for a nap and shut the door.  Finally I would have an hour of peace.  A few minutes later the worst happened.  JAC knocked on his door and identified the disgusting mess he had just made.  I went bonkers. 

I have decided that I exist in a state of partial bonkers.  I just can't help it.  I went into my twice weekly cleaning frenzy and when Jess arrived home I broke down  and begged him to help me steam clean all of our carpets.  Normal families eat dinner together.  Our family spends the night cleaning carpets because mom is bonkers.

I have decided the next time I apply for a job I will write, shepherd or wild cow rustler in the section listing your previous position.  Living with a toddler is like living with a little animal and your house is the barn.  My kid occasionally even runs around the house mooing like a cow.  Sometimes I feel like I have two pets and the dog is slightly more trainable.

Last week I had to purchase new dog food.  I didn't know what to buy.  When I want to buy wine I look for the best picture on the bottle.  There in the Target Aisle  I had divine inspiration about my dog food purchase.  I looked over and there was a big with a picture of a dog that looked identical to Roxy.  I bought that bag of food.

Ever since my time in the military I have been nearly addicted to the smell of Pinesol.  The Army buys a generic version of it and the barracks constantly smell evergreen fresh.  I've decided to forgo Pinesol and instead use my wine decision making matrix to buy cleaning fluids.  Anything that says, pet odor killer, wild animal stain killer or is frequently used by the circus will be just perfect for our house!

Thursday, April 7, 2011


Yesterday I stumbled across this article Wild at Heart - Why I Appreciate Nature  and I was instantly reminded of my own mother who often stopped to express her awe of nature.  I attribute noticing the migration of geese, knowing the names of multiple flowers and my excitement over budding trees to my mother's expressed love of these things.

I hope JAC is at least an amateur naturalist.  I hope he has a deep appreciation for quiet observation and  God's creation.  Today we ran on my favorite trail.  We parked at Angler's Point and ran adjacent to the C&O Canal.  This lovely trail is frequented by Blue Heron who fish in the canal.  Today a Heron flew so near to us that I could almost touch its silvery wings.  Mid run I pulled off and took JAC to see the Great Falls on the Potomac River.  During the summer the falls are a favorite kayaking spot but during the spring rains the river swells and the falls are an impressive spectacle.

JAC climbed on the rocks nearby and watched the rushing water with enthusiasm.  On the run home I made sure to stop and point out turtles and geese.  Hopefully one day he will be awed by a Blue Heron and remember how much pleasure I took from watching this avian species.

Wednesday, April 6, 2011

Tuesday Afternoon Hike

When hiking with a two year old you must be very, very patient.  You must also have very limited expectations.  While you won't achieve feats of mileage you might get to closely examine every rock and stick on the trail.

Jess is working late all week and I've learned one trick to single parenting is to schedule late afternoon adventures.  This eliminates those frustrating hours right before dinner when your child seems to get into every sort of trouble and generally annoy you.  Yesterday the wind was blowing a gale but I knew we would feel better if we went outside.  I loaded up my crew and drove to Theodore Roosevelt Island.  This island is in the middle of the Potomac River and accessible by a foot bridge.  The trees shelter the nearly two miles of trails from the wind and the island is an ideal place to see some wild life.  The Theodore Roosevelt Memorial is located on the center of the island which seems a fitting tribute to a man who helped establish our National Parks. 

JAC picking up rocks.

 I'm waiting while JAC picks up more rocks.
 JAC is pouting because I took away his stick due to his extreme dawdling.
 JAC is triumphantly carrying his stick.  I returned it as a reward for good behavior.
 JAC is walking Roxy or was it Roxy walking JAC?
Here is a view of the  GW rowing crews.  They waved at us as they passed by.  JAC was thrilled.  I am sure their coach was less thrilled.
JAC and I had a grand time looking at ducks, watching the rowing crews practice on the river and tromping around in the mud.  He was absolutely exhausted when we arrived at our truck and fell asleep within minutes. 

Tuesday, April 5, 2011

What I Love About Monday

Monday felt almost like Summer.  There was a hot wind blowing.  I've never been a fan of the biting winds characteristic to Spring but the hot winds of Summer feel like freedom.  JAC and I have started to attend a preschool group on Mondays.  A group of moms came together, realized they couldn't afford preschool and agreed to each take turns teaching once a week.  JAC loves preschool group and I am beginning to wonder if some of his bad behavior was due to extreme boredom.  Frankly my behavior takes a drastic nose dive when I'm bored.  Before you know it I'm shooting bottle rockets at the neighbors or trying to build my own potato gun. 

We just joined preschool group but it has been a nice surprise and a great reminder.  Sometimes women get a really bad rap and sometimes we deserve it.  Sometimes we're catty and petty but guys fart, burp and grunt.  A group of women can create something really awesome when they come together.

On the way home we stopped for a really long run and played in the river by the park.  We waded in up to our calves and threw rocks in the water.  We came home in the late afternoon, walked the dog and stopped by our neighborhood park.  The best thing about Monday was JAC.  He was his charming self again.  I appreciate the prayers and words of support.  They helped me through a rough few days. 

Jess is staying late at work all week.  He made it home for a very late dinner of orange - pork - cashew stir fry.  This is the best stir fry I have every made.  I'll have to post the recipe.  In the meantime what did you love about your Monday?

Monday, April 4, 2011

What I Love About Sundays!

I am married to a hero!  He is at least a hero in my mind.  After church, the weather was finally good.  We were all pumped up on good singing and homemade ice cream.  There was only one proper thing to do.  We went on a family run and it was absolutely awesome.  Jess is my favorite running partner in the world but he has been out of commission all winter.  He has been studying full time for a big engineering exam.

Half a mile up the running trail was parked a shiny Cadillac with its lights on.  Motor vehicles are not allowed on the trail so something had obviously gone very wrong.  When we reached the car we found a terrified little old lady at the wheel.  She had mistaken the trail for a road and was afraid to navigate the narrow trail and return to the real road.  It was a new Cadillac and she feared she might drive it into a ditch. The obvious question is, "Should you be driving if you mistake a trail for a road?"  We'll investigate this at another time.

While other bikers and joggers whizzed by and we obviously annoyed Jess stopped.  A few people tried to give the old lady directions but she took one look at Jess' reassuring face, put the car in park and handed over the keys.  Jess expertly drove the Caddy  back to the road and returned the keys.  The lady seemed instantly relieved and the Caddy was still intact.  She drove away and we kept running.

That is what I love about Sunday.  My husband is always the first to offer to help.  He has a warm gracious face and people take one look at him and know they're in good hands.  He restores my faith in humanity.

What else do I love about Sundays?  I toasted Jess on that run.  He didn't stand a chance.  This is the season of the year when I'm in better shape than Jess and I love it.  I also like to rub it in a bit.  We spent the rest of the afternoon playing at the park in the sun and it was lovely.

Friday, April 1, 2011

Friday Adventure - and the Thoughts of a Frustrated Mom

I'm including a picture of my son pitching a fit during our Friday Adventure.  I feel it represents the day as a whole.  Truthfully I was pretty sure I was standing at the threshold of a bad day when it started with a call to the Poison Control Center.

Today we went to the National Inventors Hall of Fame Museum.  The Patent Office operates this museum and it is both small and free.  Free is my favorite number. 

My friend Becca joined us and JAC was overjoyed to see her.  Becca is his favorite person on earth.  Becca has been on many adventures with us and we both without consulting with each other only paid for one hour of parking.  We are experienced adventurers and knew JAC has an exceptionally low tolerance for museums.

After the museum we headed to the Torpedo Factory.  This building is located on the Potomac River and was once a real torpedo factory.  Now it houses three stories of local artist studios and is one of my favorite places to visit.  On the weekend many of the artists work in their studios and you can watch them create.

The highlight of the adventure might have been the realization that I am not going insane quite yet.  Our car has a funny quirk.  You must push the "unlock" button twice to unlock the passenger doors.  We have owned this vehicle for a few years and I am in the habit of jumping out and hitting the "unlock" button an extra time before attempting to open JAC's door.  Lately when I reach JAC's door on the other side of the vehicle the door is locked.  I found this ultimately frustrating but also puzzling.  I thought I had either lost my mind and forgotten to unlock the door or perhaps the locks were sticking.  This quandary has been in the back of my mind for several months and today as I struggled to find change for the meter I solved the riddle.  I glanced up and saw JAC through his window.  He was using his little barefoot to kick the lock, securing the door and locking me out!  That little buzzard!